Splace Linz


Experimental Utopia
Tic Tac Toe game

Best Off 2020


Das Kollektiv „Experimental Utopia“ reist mit seinem knallpinken multifunktionalen Fahrradanhänger durch Städte, um spontan an öffentlichen Plätzen aufzupoppen und gehörig die öffentliche Ordnung durcheinanderzuwirbeln. Die Künstlerinnen wollen auf diese Weise die Welt retten, wie sie selbst sagen. Dafür verwenden sie eigenartig anmutende Strategien. Sie spielen z. B. Kinderspiele, wie Tempel- und Gummihüpfen, Seilspringen oder XO. Manchmal packen sie auch am helllichten Tag ihre Karaoke-Maschine aus, singen falsch und tanzen dazu. Dadurch erwecken sie die Aufmerksamkeit zufällig vorbeilaufender Passant*innen, die interessiert stehen bleiben. Sie kommen näher und treten in Kontakt mit den Künstlerinnen, beginnen zu spielen, schließlich auch in Interaktion mit anderen. Es entstehen temporäre Spielgemeinschaften. Die Teilnehmer*innen überschreiten so die unsichtbaren Grenzen, die zwischen ihnen liegen, und tauchen in andere, zunächst noch fremde Welten ein. Dabei verwandelt sich ihr Weltbild und mit ihm ihre Stadt. Die Arbeit “Experimental Utopia” wurde im Rahmen der Ausstellung BestOFF 2020 gezeigt.

Sound Campus 2023

Ars Electronica Festival
Uni Campus

El Kschk, developed by Lama Ghanem, is a mobile sound station that roams in public spaces, promoting the values of sharing, accessibility, open circulation and distribution. It also hosts musicians and artists from all around the world to perform for the public, while capturing the ambient sounds of the city in cassettes.

Within the context of Sound Campus, El Kschk will carry and spread the “Stream Compilation” throughout the city, pre-recorded in tapes, as a new version of this sounds within the urban context.


BAYWATCH – Episode 1: Be Water My Friend
Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz 2018

Looking down from a baywatch tower, we surveyed and analyzed the areas threatened by water throughout the year. The results are grandiose ideas and projects. To carry this into the outside world, we have created a landscape over the course of a week with possibilities and consequences of the floods under the free space of the LENTOS. The fictitious scenery becomes the reflection of a global reality. The water comes, the lifeguards get into action.

In the scene of a flood, islands and landscapes got built and open up a social space for publicity. On sandbags there is room for gathering, exchanging and hanging out. This is the basis for being and for the concrete discourse on the basis of installations as well as performative interventions, workshops, concerts and a symposium.

As part of the DonauArt and in cooperation with the OÖ Kulturquartier and the Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, students of raum & designstrategien present their project to the public.


Design LAB #2- Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin 2019
Less is Less – More is More

Our everyday life is shaped by the habits and routines with which we interact with the humans, objects, spaces and concepts that surround us. „How to do something“ becomes a habit and implicit gesture. At the same time the objects and spaces, as well as our understanding of our surroundings, influence the way we act and interact. The department of space&designs STRATEGIES from the Art University in Linz takes a closer look at these quotidian routines and will investigate how the everyday is produced: How can we challenge habits by applying the idea of „less is less – more is more“? For this purpose the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin will be occupied by the students of space&designs STRATEGIES. In a series of workshops the museum will be transformed into a research space filled with objects detached from everyday life.


Venice Architecture Biennale 2018

Austrian pavilion opening